Raito Health and Safety Manual
(IIPP) Injury and Illness Prevention Plan
Safety Procedures
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) / Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Near Miss investigations
Good Catch Program
Daily start of shift safety meetings
Safety Inspections (Work area)
Safety audits (Site & Corporate level)
Stop Work Authority / Responsibility

Our people are our most valuable asset and worth protecting.
At Raito, Inc., safety is not just a priority—it is the foundation of our workplace culture. We are dedicated to maintaining a safe work environment through a comprehensive incident and injury program that aligns with State and Federal Standards and industry best practices. Our approach is designed to proactively address safety concerns and ensure every task is performed safely.
Our Commitment to Safety
Our Raito team members adhere to the guidance of site-level health and safety plans, JHAs and safety procedures, and other controls listed below to inform decision-making and how we execute the work consistent with our values.
Safety Training and Participation
Each Raito team member receives training specific to their job tasks and role and additional training to allow individuals to grow within the company and continue to learn and acquire new skills.
New Hire Orientation (Company & Site specific)
Site-specific safety training
Operator training and skill evaluation
Qualified Person (Task specific)
Annual safety training
Continuous Improvement & Human Performance
Safety is an ongoing process. We continuously reassess our work methods, equipment, and job sites to identify potential hazards and areas for improvement. This proactive approach includes regular safety audits and feedback from employees and management. Any unsafe acts or conditions are promptly addressed to mitigate risks and enhance safety. We understand that mistakes can happen, and learning and growing from them to prevent them from happening again is the key to keeping our people safe.
Health and Well-Being
At Raito, Inc., we recognize that safety extends beyond physical safety, including overall health and well-being. We are committed to providing resources and support to help our employees maintain their health, manage stress, and achieve a work-life balance.